I am super excited to be able to share the projects and interview I recently had with Deborah! She is a fun lady and her love for Halloween and decorating is fantastic! ~Mike
Where are you from?
How did you get into paper crafting?
How long have you been a Dreamer and what was your first project?
Which cutting machine do you own?
Out of all of the projects which one is your favorite?
What was your most challenging?
How many Dreaming Tree projects do you think you have completed so far?
When you think of Dreaming Tree what do you think of?
What advice would you give a new Dreamer?
What are your other hobbies or interests?
Is there anything else you would like the Dreamers to know about ?
Below are the photos from Deborah’s other favorite hobbies. Her love for decorating for Halloween and her beautiful quilts!